We soon had camp set up. Rob took a shower, and then we were off to find some supper in Murrells Inlet. We ate at Bovines Seafood and Steaks. It sure was yummy. Then a quick stop to fill up Truck's gas tank and it was back to the campsite for some relaxation.
It was been a nice afternoon and evening. While it is somewhat humid, there as been a nice breeze ever since we got here. We did have one small mishap. As we were turning into the campground on our way back from eating, this lady was turning out. Kings Highway is a four lane divided highway. Somehow the lady managed to just every so lightly tap the corner of Truck's rear bumper with her fender. We are happy to report the damage to Truck was just a small amount of paint on the bumper Rob was able to clean off. The chrome wasn't broken or even scratched. Rob was able to determine the non-damage to Truck quickly at the scene. The lady's car had more damage. Rob was OK with not filing a report, so the lady was very happy to go along with that plan. It just so happened not even a minute after the "incident" a Sheriff's Deputy pulled up. Rob and the lady involved explained everything to the deputy, we were OK, the lady was very OK. So we all continued on our way. Whew! Too much excitement after a great supper!!
Later we rode over to the camp store to check it out. Get a couple of stickers for our collection, and take some pictures. Here are couple for you to enjoy......
How do you like those giant beach chairs. Rob used his tripod and shutter delay to take those pictures. He would run and jump in the chair to be sure to get in the picture.
As the Sun went down, the breeze got even more cool and pleasant. The campground is full, so we have had a parade of cars and people by all day. In fact, we hadn't even gotten unhitched yet and thought we were going to have to give a tour.
We're not sure what all we may get into tomorrow. We plan to do some exploring of Murrells Inlet. We also plan to just relax around the campsite some too. We are here until Wednesday morning. Once we get home we will have about a week and a half to get all ready for the long drive to Goshen, IN for the F.R.O.G. rally.
Thanks for checking by today. Be sure to come back again tomorrow evening to see what our day had in store.
Until next time, stay safe out there.....-R,T, but no J.
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