Almost before we brought our new r-pod home, we (or I) started planning mods to it. We started out simple, reading several different blogs online to get ideas. Plus, you know, it's really scary drilling that first whole in your brand new camper!! We've done quite a few mods (or modifications) to our pod since owning it. Here's just a few to get you started.
"INSIDE" view of exhaust fan for fridge area |
"OUTSIDE" view of exhaust fan |
This first mod was one I had done to our pop-up. I had added this 12volt pancake fan to help remove the hot air from the rear of the refrigerator to help it cool better in the North Carolina summer heat and humidity. Believe me it really made a huge difference in how well the refrigerator in the pop-up cooled, and it really helped the r-pod refrigerator to keep cool also.
12 volt DC outlet in forward storage compartment
12 volt DC switched light in forward storage compartment |
During the fan install, I also installed a 12volt DC outlet and switched light in the forward storage compartment. I use the outlet mainly to run the fan, but also to have a power tap for other 12volt accessories. I tapped into power on the 12volt side of the control panel in the pod, using an unused position.
12volt DC switched light in rear storage compartment
Next I added the same type of light in the rear storage compartment. It really helps at night to have these compartment lights.
Carpet cut to fit |
Next, I added carpet. We really liked the pod's flooring, but decided we'd like carpet better. So we went to Lowe's and bought an 8 by 5 carpet. Then I measured, measured, and measured some more, then cut it out, and it fit nicely.
The last mod wasn't really that much of a mod, but we just felt that our pod deserved a special license plate of it's very own. So here's what we got!
I've done lots more mods, and from time to time I'll be showing them to you. Until the next post.....
Stay safe out there. -R,T,&J
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