Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lunch at the Intersection of Here and There......

Happy Wednesday evening all.  It's Pod and I'm back blogging today.  It's been a really great day here in the High Country of North Carolina.  

The day started early as usual when Jackson woke Rob up for his morning walk.  Then before you know it, breakfast was cooking.  The menu was simple, fried square sausage and orange-iced cinnamon rolls baked in my convection oven. 

The gang spent most of the morning just hanging out in The Clam and being sorta, kinda, lazy.  Late morning, Trisha suggested a ride over to West Jefferson to Mountain Outfitters for a t-shirt and sticker fix then to ride up the Parkway for a real honest-to-goodness picnic.

Let me tell you, it only took about 10 minutes for everyone to get moving, supplies gathered, and they were off.  

Levi told me that indeed, t-shirts and stickers were bought, and before long the gang was riding along the Parkway.  Even with several stops for pictures along the way, it wasn't long until they pulled over for a grand picnic.

Levi told me that Rob stopped at a little place he knew of in Doughton Park (his favorite part of the Blue Ridge Parkway).   Levi told me it was at the intersection of Here and There.  Now that's gotta be an interesting place.  When he told me Rob took a picture with his iPhone, I had to snag it to show you.

To be honest with you, I snagged a few from his other camera too that I really like and want to show you....

The afternoon was spent being lazy (read naps) and just enjoing the cool mountain air.  Since this is Wednesday, the supper menu was left overs from the last two nights.  

All-in-all I'm happy to report this was a great day camping in the mountains and there's even sort of a plan for tomorrow.  But, that's another blog post for another day (tomorrow).

Until next time, stay safe out there......-Pod

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