This morning started early (2am) with Jackson throwing up a dead crab he had eaten while on the beach. He was of course in bed with us at the time he got sick. About daylight, I had to dig out the ceramic heater from it's storage area underneath the bed. It had gotten chilly in the pod. Today has been clear with highs in the 60's and a nice breeze all day long.
We did go get some more shrimp for supper tonight. This time we will grill them instead of boiling them. Here's the place to get fresh shrimp on Edisto (well it's about the only place to get fresh shrimp on Edisto.)
I interrupted Trisha from her afternoon nap to go look for a t-shirt for a friend of ours who took my mom shopping and out to lunch on Tuesday. Thanks bunches Lee-Ann!!
Here's a couple of pictures Trisha has taken. One is of me blogging, and the other one is the end of the day at our campsite.
That's about it for Thursday here at Edisto. We'll be leaving in the morning to go back home. We'll most likely take a couple of days off blogging so we'll see you sometime next week. Plus, we leave three weeks from today for the Blue Ridge T@B Rally in the mountains of North Carolina. Check out the "Upcoming Trips" tab at the top of the page to read more about this rally. Also check out the "Postcards from the Road" blog in my follow list for even more information.
Until next week, stay safe out there....-R,T,&J
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