We just realized we haven't posted anything in a week. The first week back from Spring Break is always busy for us. We have a lot going on at school and a lot going on at home too. Here's a few of the things which have filled our busy week for us.
First we came home to see our beautiful new roof which had just been installed.
Bob had to order the siding for the rear and side (other side) gable ends. They should be back to install our new siding this coming week. That will be one more project we can check off. YIPEE!
Rob got busy in the yard the first of the week, and reworked all of the outside planters. He added new soil, composted cow manure, and of course new plants. Here's just a few pictures of what was planted. In the first shot you can see two new rosebushes to be planted tomorrow afternoon.
Then on Saturday morning, Rob hooked up the utility trailer and went to pick up 0.98 tons (1960 lbs) of white rock to make two pathways. He also spread the last few bales of pine needles on the bed which had the roofing trailer parked in it two weeks ago.
The last two little projects did actually involve the r-pod. First, we went to Belks and bought new sheets and a bedspread for the pod.
Finally, we all worked (well Trisha and Jackson watched) as Rob took out the screws in the awning track, counter bore the holes, then installed wood screws which fit much more flush in the awning track. This has been a mod the pod has been badly in need of, but Rob never could think about fixing it until we went camping. Here is an example of one of the new screws. It fits much more flush than the screws which were installed at the factory.
We're not sure what we will get into this week, but one thing we will be doing, is getting ready for the Blue Ridge Rally next weekend. So check back again for another post. Until then, stay safe out there....-R,T,&J.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Back to School after Spring Break....
Well Monday has reared it's ugly head once again and it's back to work for Trisha and myself. ONLY 39 more school days left until Summer Break, but we're not counting. Nope, we're not counting. We hope everyone had a great weekend We did come back home to find a beautiful new roof installed. Our roofer had to order the siding for the gable ends but when he gets this project all done, we'll post a few pictures for everyone to see. In the meantime, we've gotten R&T's pod all ready for the next adventure. This is the Blue Ridge Rally in the mountains of North Carolina. Be sure to check it out in our "Upcoming Trips" page. This rally is hosted by my cousins Sharon (of Splash T@B fame) and Becky (not sure what Becky is famous for except maybe her pound cakes, beautiful yard, and baby-blue VW Beetle).
Anyways, here are a few Edisto pictures to look at and enjoy.
Our campsite.
Jackson telling me not to take his picture again!
Rocky Raccoon visiting us our first afternoon there. He was less than ten feet from our camper. After we sent him on his way, we would hear the screams from the other campsites as he went visiting.
The Beach!
Look at all these signs in ONE picture!
These next few pictures are especially for my brother......
Have a great week, and check back later for our next post as we prepare for the BBR. Until then, stay safe out there.....-R,T,&J.
Anyways, here are a few Edisto pictures to look at and enjoy.
Our campsite.
Jackson telling me not to take his picture again!
Rocky Raccoon visiting us our first afternoon there. He was less than ten feet from our camper. After we sent him on his way, we would hear the screams from the other campsites as he went visiting.
The Beach!
Look at all these signs in ONE picture!
These next few pictures are especially for my brother......
Have a great week, and check back later for our next post as we prepare for the BBR. Until then, stay safe out there.....-R,T,&J.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Here's our sign.......
This morning started early (2am) with Jackson throwing up a dead crab he had eaten while on the beach. He was of course in bed with us at the time he got sick. About daylight, I had to dig out the ceramic heater from it's storage area underneath the bed. It had gotten chilly in the pod. Today has been clear with highs in the 60's and a nice breeze all day long.
We did go get some more shrimp for supper tonight. This time we will grill them instead of boiling them. Here's the place to get fresh shrimp on Edisto (well it's about the only place to get fresh shrimp on Edisto.)
I interrupted Trisha from her afternoon nap to go look for a t-shirt for a friend of ours who took my mom shopping and out to lunch on Tuesday. Thanks bunches Lee-Ann!!
Here's a couple of pictures Trisha has taken. One is of me blogging, and the other one is the end of the day at our campsite.
That's about it for Thursday here at Edisto. We'll be leaving in the morning to go back home. We'll most likely take a couple of days off blogging so we'll see you sometime next week. Plus, we leave three weeks from today for the Blue Ridge T@B Rally in the mountains of North Carolina. Check out the "Upcoming Trips" tab at the top of the page to read more about this rally. Also check out the "Postcards from the Road" blog in my follow list for even more information.
Until next week, stay safe out there....-R,T,&J
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Just another day at the .........
Yup you guessed it, the "Beach." We really didn't do too much more than hang out at the beach, and take an afternoon nap. This vacationing stuff is hard work! HAHA
Here's a couple of more pictures for today, then we will see you tomorrow.
Thanks for checking in today. We'll make one more post then it's home on Friday. Until then, stay safe out there....-R,T,&J.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Tuesday at Edisto........
That picture just about sums it all up here from Edisto Beach. It has been a wonderful day of doing nothing. I did make an early run to "The Pig" (Piggly Wiggly) for breakfast stuff and a few other food items. After breakfast Trisha and Jackson headed for the beach and I headed to the boat dock to get some shrimp for supper.
I joined them on the beach for a couple of hours, then we headed back to the pod for a sandwich. Trisha when off in search of t-shirts and I was going to start another book, but wound up giving a pod tour. HaHa. Trisha got back from her t-shirt run just in time to go for a walk around the campground to pick out the best sites for our next trip.
Next thing you know, it was time to fix supper. Here's one of the main ingredients.
A picture from the "kitchen."
The main course......
Anyone hungry?
And finally here's a picture for my cousin Sharon.
Check back tomorrow, we might just do something exciting like walk around the campground in the opposite direction. HAHA!
Until then, stay safe out there....-R,T,&J.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Monday at Edisto.....
Happy Monday from Edisto Beach State Park. We've had a wonderful lazy Monday here at Edisto. I've read, Trisha has napped, and taken Jackson to the beach. In general we've done a whole lot of nothing!!
Here are just a couple of pictures for you!
Trisha surfing the web and not the waves. HAHA!
Jackson helping me pump gas.
The view directly behind our campsite. The beach campground here is just that, on the beach. With a marsh on the other side. We are less than 100 feet from the ocean!
This is where we ate dinner tonight. Trisha got Shrimp and Grits (she's talked about it since last August) and I got a Shrimp and Flounder combo. Both were great!
Tomorrow night's dinner is going to be some freshly boiled shrimp from our campsite, with cornbread muffins, and potato salad! Yum!
That's all for today, check back tomorrow for another update. Until then, stay safe out there....-R,T,&J.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
We're here! Edisto Island, SC.....
Welcome from beautiful Edisto Beach State Park at Edisto Island, South Carolina. We finally got all packed up, loaded up, and pulled out about 9:30 a.m. for our long awaited trip to Edisto Island, SC.
While we didn't bring everything we owned, we did bring quite a bit. As you can see above.
Once on the road, Jackson got comfortable, and so did Trisha.
While I just drove. We did make a few pit stops along the way.
We even got that bored, "are we there yet?" look from Jackson.....
Drove though some beautiful low-country scenery.....
Crossed the big bridge that just says, "Your almost here!"
Then about 2:30ish we roll-in to the State Park, check-in, and got all set up.
Here's the view from just outside our pod.....
Just a few campsites down is another lady from Tennesse who must know our friend "Tink." HAHA
And finally the grand old Atlantic Ocean......
Now while we can't see the ocean from our campsite, we can hear it. The weather is cool, breezy, and just wonderful. And as Jimmy Buffet would say, "The beach is here, wish you were beautiful."
That all for today, check back tomorrrow for the next report. Until then, stay safe out there....-R,T,&J...
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