Thursday, June 14, 2012

On the Road to the Kentucky Horse Park......

Well Wednesday morning found us on the road to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY for the 2012 Eastern R-pod Rally.  We left home about 10 am, headed for our overnight stop at Camp Creek State Park in Camp Creek, WV.  We had never camped here before, and we wanted to check it out.

With a couple of rest, fuel, and food stops along the way, we arrived at the Mash Fork Campground at Camp Creek State Park about 2 pm.  It was a beautiful day for a drive, and the campground turned out to be nearly empty and just a wonderful peaceful place to stay.

Here is a good picture of the entire camping area and of course, our pod.

Close by our campground is Mash Falls, located on Camp Creek.

Jackson loved hanging out on the lawn behind our campsite, and was especially happy to get a bit of banana from Trisha.

After all, he said he spent hours and hours riding in the backseat of the truck.

This area of West Virginia is very remote.  There was no where close by to get anything to eat, so we had peanut butter and banana on hot dog buns for supper.  Sounds strange, but was pretty tasty.

We were up early and on the road by 7:30 am.  Check back tomorrow to hear all about our happenings on Thursday.  Until then, stay safe out there...-R,T,&J.

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