Monday, June 18, 2018

In the Cool of the Morning......

Good Monday morning everyone.  It's Miss Anne here this morning with a little update to our activities.  I certainly hope all are doing well.  I've spent the last few days with my gang hanging out at our seasonal spot.

The Mr. and Mrs. arrived on Thursday evening, and I think they are planning an early exit in the morning in order to make a little side trip on the way back home.  

We've had a great few days with Cousin Sharon, then Beth and Jon Kirk.  There have been multiple Wal-Mart Trips, a side road down by the river drive, a stop by the local produce market, and rides in Cousin Sharon's snazzy yellow golf cart.

The Mr. and Mrs. have probably eaten more than they should have, Jackson has been walked all over this part of the campground where I'm at, and the Mr. has even done a few things to "fancy up" my site here on the hill.

The best thing about each day these last few has been the mornings.  The mornings have all dawned, bright, clear, and cool.  This morning has even been especially quiet, except for the birds that all wake up about 6:00 am.  All of the weekenders have left, and there's only a few seasonal campers this morning.   I'm sure going to hate seeing my gang all leave in the morning, but I know they'll be back real soon.

In the meantime, here's a few pictures the Mr. has taken from the week (he says he's been slack about taking pictures too) for you to enjoy.   Everyone have a great week, and I'll be chatting with you again soon.

Until next time, stay safe out there......-Miss Anne

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