Since we're doing the blogging, then we get to choose what pictures to post from all the ones Rob took today with both his Nikon camera and iphone.
The very first post I want to show you is a brand new camping sign Rob built just for me for The Big Visit. It seems there is a contest amongst all the attendees to The Big Visit to see who can make the best sign holder. Cousin Sharon, Rallymaster, supplied the actual 8.5 x 11 inch sign insert. It was up to each camper to decide the rest. So Rob cooked up a great one for me. He actually debuted my new camping sign over our Spring Break trip, pledging both Cousin Sharon and Becky to secrecy.
It looks just like me, has lots of my favorite stickers for rings, windows, and it's very own ground effect light kit just like me!
Here's a picture of the back where you can see a slide out just like mine. Rob said he'd find me some more stickers for my back along the way.
Next I want to show off Truck. Truck never has to much to say, but Truck sure does work hard bringing all of us on our camping adventures.
Along the way, we picked up another Pod and it's people....
And they even took a picture of my rear as we rode along the interstate.....
And I can't forget a picture of Jackson who helped me with this blog. Jackson enjoys sitting in the r-dome and keeping an eye on all the goings on in the campground.
Here's one more picture of who else, yup, you guessed it, me!
I would also like to feature a some former pod people. Seems they started with a pod, then moved up to another pod, and now, they've outgrown the second pod, and have a motor home which pulls their car wherever they may go.....
And here's one last picture Rob took along the Blue Ridge Parkway after he had driven around one to many curves. I sure hope he's going to be okay!!
Well that's it for this evening. Rob, Trisha, and Jackson are sitting under the dome to the sounds of a gentle rain. Rob said he'd be back blogging tomorrow, and he'll actually show some pictures of T@Bs and such.
Rob said to thank everyone for checking by this evening, so THANKS!!!
Until next time, stay safe out there.....-Pod, Truck, and Jackson.