Sunday, June 29, 2014

Pod and Jackson tell about a new friend......

Happy Sunday afternoon everyone.  It's Pod and Jackson (woof, woof) both here blogging today.  We both asked to blog to tell all of you about loosing a new friend we made at the ERU.  

You may remember Rob blogging about the new 179 pod model and posting a picture of one of the two at the ERU.  Here's a picture to refresh your memory.....

Well it seems that this Pod's person is named Kevin.  Kevin had his dog Dory at the ERU with him.  Now us Pods all know that dogs make the best people by far.  Kevin called Dory his "old lady".  How funny was that.  Anyway, it seemed that right after Dory and Kevin got home, Dory got real sick.  Here's a picture of Dory.....

We don't know the whole story, but we feel like Dory just couldn't get better, so now she waits at the Rainbow Bridge for Kevin.  

Yes this is a sad story, but wait, it has a happy turn.  You see, Kevin went and found a new dog to be his friend and traveling companion.  This dogs name is Remi.....

What as handsome fellow.  Remi has a little upper respiratory infection but will soon be right as rain, and going to live with Kevin.

Jackson and I wish both Kevin and Remi all the best and hope they have many, many fun times together.

Until next time, stay safe out there.....-Pod & Jackson

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