Happy Monday evening everyone. We have big news! We're F.R.O.G. bound!! Yipee!! In-case your wondering what exactly a F.R.O.G. is, it's all the owners of Forest River RV's. While F.R.O.G. has rallies all over the US, once a year they have the International Rally in Elkhart, IN where the r-pods (and a bunch of the other Forest River products) are built.
F.R.O.G. = Forest River Owner's Group. Pretty neat huh? When the rally was announced earlier in the month, we just didn't think we could go. He have lots of podding friends who are planning on going, so we really wanted to go to this rally. Over the weekend, we got all the details ironed out. When Rob got home from school today, he called Bob at F.R.O.G. and got everything worked out to attend.
This will be the longest trip we've ever taken the pod on, about 640 miles one way. We are excited to be going. We will be staying in the "pod village." How neat will that be! All the r-pods all grouped together getting to show off all the things that make our little campers special to us.
If you want, you can follow this link, to the page where you can download the F.R.O.G. newsletter.
Finally, I want to thank Bob at F.R.O.G. for getting us all signed up. I also need to thank (after the fact) Bob and F.R.O.G. for letting me download their graphics and using them to tell you about our up coming adventure.
Thanks for checking in today. Until next time, stay safe out there.....-R,T,&J.
How exciting! We're headed to Ohio in August for our big Little Guy & T@B International Rally so we know what a big deal these two rallies will be!!